Ep. 22: Zoom Preps Post-Quantum Encryption, Rockwell: ICS Devices & Cyber Threats, Thwarted cyberattack at Library of Congress

In this episode, Brad Bussie covers three crucial topics in the realm of cybersecurity. Zoom is gearing up for a quantum future with post-quantum encryption, Rockwell advises disconnecting internet-facing industrial control systems due to rising cyber threats, and the Library of Congress successfully thwarts a cyberattack using multi-factor authentication (MFA). Join us as we delve into these significant developments and their implications for IT security leaders.

Topics Covered:
  1. Zoom's implementation of post-quantum encryption to secure digital communications.
  2. Rockwell Automation's advisory to disconnect vulnerable ICS devices amid cyber threats.
  3. How multi-factor authentication helped the Library of Congress prevent a cyberattack.

Key Takeaways:
  • Zoom is the first unified communications company to offer post-quantum encryption, safeguarding against future quantum threats.
  • Rockwell Automation emphasizes the critical need to disconnect ICS devices from the public internet to minimize cyber risks.
  • The Library of Congress effectively used MFA to prevent a potential cyberattack, highlighting the importance of robust security measures.

Mentions & References:
  • Zoom's post-quantum encryption using Kyber 768 algorithm.
  • Rockwell's advisory and the role of US CISA in reinforcing security measures.
  • The thwarted cyberattack on the Library of Congress and its implications for cybersecurity practices.

Time Stamps with Highlights:
  • [00:00] Introduction: Overview of the episode's topics.
  • [00:41] Zoom Prepares for Quantum World: Details on Zoom’s post-quantum encryption and its significance.
  • [04:26] Rockwell's Advisory: Importance of disconnecting ICS devices and securing critical infrastructure.
  • [08:40] Library of Congress Cyberattack: How MFA prevented a breach and lessons learned.

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The State of Enterprise IT Security podcast, hosted by e360, is your go-to source for making IT security approachable and actionable for technology leaders. Join us for insightful discussions and expert analysis on the latest cybersecurity topics and trends.

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e360 excels in delivering specialized technology solutions across Cloud, Cybersecurity, Digital Workplace, Modern Infrastructure, and Managed Services, driving digital transformation for global and national enterprises with top-tier expertise.

Links to Articles:
Ep. 22: Zoom Preps Post-Quantum Encryption, Rockwell: ICS Devices & Cyber Threats, Thwarted cyberattack at Library of Congress
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